Current Health Guidelines
UPDATED MAY 1, 2023:
Seattle Open Arts Place is committed to carefully and proactively following all public health and common sense guidelines. We’ve made improvements to the physical venue, acquired equipment to support live streaming over the internet, and set up health and safety protocols for artists, audience members and others who will access the space.
S.O.A.P is an intimate venue, and performance is a unique venture. In order to ensure performer, staff, and guest safety, please note the following guidelines for joining us in-person at 18th & Union:
Masks are encouraged while not eating or drinking.
Symptom- and exposure-free. Please ensure your full group is free of cold, flu, COVID or other contagious symptoms on the day of the show, and that no one is in an observation or quarantine period due to a confirmed case of or exposure to a contagious condition.
All venue staff and performers are following these same guidelines.
We have a ventilation system that transfers the air in the performance space several times every hour.
If you purchase an in-person ticket, and change your mind for any reason, we will exchange your tickets for the Stream.
Streaming, Live and On-Demand
Most of our shows are offered to stream audiences as well as in-person attendees. In this way, we hope to be able to accommodate multiple preferences for viewing, and to pivot quickly if public health recommendations change without warning.
As always at S.O.A.P, tickets are offered on a sliding scale to accommodate different budgets while also valuing the work of our partner artists.